Search Results for: injuries

Two women doing yoga meditation.

Become a Better Runner with Yoga

Running can be a stress-burning, outdoors-exploring, heart-pumping source of fun—but it’s also monotonous, with the forward motion repeatedly taxing the same exact muscles, mile after mile. This is why smart runners rest, stretch, and cross train to strengthen other muscles, to increase flexibility, and to prevent injuries. The challenge is to maximize running time while still squeezing

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Fascial Stretch Therapy

Fascial stretch therapy (FST) is starting to take off. But there are many who have never heard of FST—let alone fascia. So let’s start there. Fascia, explains Spokane-based fascial stretch therapist Kimberly Sheridan, “is the connective tissue that surrounds muscles, ligaments, tendons, bones, and organs—it’s the connective tissue around everything.” Picture fascia kind of like

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Avalanche at Silver Mountain Resort

News Release from Silver Mountain Resort (KELLOGG, ID) – On Tuesday morning at approximately 11:00 a.m. there was an avalanche in the Chair Four basin on a run called 16-to-1.  Medical personnel/ski patrol and volunteers responded immediately and started search and rescue efforts.  A total of seven people were caught in the avalanche. Four skiers

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In It for the Long Run: Triathlete in Need of Heart Transplant Keeps Competing

Triathletes know how to suffer. They compete in high temps and high winds, and through intestinal distress, heat exhaustion, and debilitating cramps. Pat Johnson knows this as well as anyone. She’s completed 14 Ironmen and competed four times in Hawaii, where the 110-mile bike across the lava fields can spike above 110 degrees. She’s also

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