
Search Results for: injuries

Ski Better and Avoid Injury with the Proper Ski Conditioning

If the cooler nights, fading morning light, and brilliant leaves aren’t enough, the hundreds of ski swap signs blanketed across Spokane is a sure sign that we are rapidly approaching winter. If you’re one who looks forward to the snowy season, soon fall checklists will turn into pre-season ski rituals. Whether you annually tune your

Ski Better and Avoid Injury with the Proper Ski Conditioning Read More »

Sports medicine professionals can help you not only prevent and recover from injury, but also reach optimal performance.

It Takes a Village to Keep Endurance Athletes Healthy

Spend much time with an endurance athlete, and two things will likely happen: They’ll attempt to talk you into signing up for a race, and they’ll tell you about their sports-related injuries. Athletes develop a bag of tricks for injury prevention and recovery: foam and stick rollers, stretching, kinesiology tape, R.I.C.E. (rest, ice, compression, elevation),

It Takes a Village to Keep Endurance Athletes Healthy Read More »

As the Severinos know (and research attests), running can be fine-tuned, just like any other motor skill.

Is Your Running Form Fouling You Up? Gait Analysis at Northwest Running Lab Could Help

It’s a rare runner who doesn’t deal with injuries. Surveys of runners commonly show that upwards of 60% are sidelined with injuries at some point in a given year. With their work at Northwest Running Lab, Dominic and Lanaia Severino are helping runners change their form and prevent injuries – and hopefully get a little

Is Your Running Form Fouling You Up? Gait Analysis at Northwest Running Lab Could Help Read More »

Dial That Backcountry First Aid Kit: And Don’t Leave Home Without It

Spending time in remote places requires preparation. A portion of that preparation should include gathering medical supplies to be able to respond to emergencies. There isn’t a perfect first aid kit for all situations, making it important to tailor a kit to meet the needs of your trip and group. First aid kits are not

Dial That Backcountry First Aid Kit: And Don’t Leave Home Without It Read More »

Stephen Barbieri finds a puddle on his morning run. Photo: Gabriella Meglasson

The Year of the Marathon: Gear to Get You to the Finish Line

Editor’s note: This is part two in our “Year of the Marathon” series on marathon training that offers practical advice and inspiration to help you complete your long run this year. Find part one and look for follow-ups in the coming months at OutThereMonthly.com. When you’re just starting out, a minor injury or persistent discomfort

The Year of the Marathon: Gear to Get You to the Finish Line Read More »

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