Search Results for: Mt. Spokane State Park

Mountain Sledding: Finding Places to Slide on Snow

Sledding – the ancient activity of sitting on your butt and getting over the snow far more efficiently than most wheeled vehicles. Today, unless you live in an arctic landscape, sledding or tobogganing is primarily a recreational sport enjoyed by all ages. After a fresh snowfall, who doesn’t relish pulling out their sled and running

Mountain Sledding: Finding Places to Slide on Snow Read More »

Winterfest Offers a Chance to Make Friends, Learn Something New, and Eat Donuts

Picture snow. That snow is polka dotted with cross-country skiers laughing as they make their way across white clearings and curving trails to a warming hut for free cider and soup. Picture kids frantically racing to the finish line for a donut. Envision booths, vendors, prizes, and scavenger hunts. Picture yourself swooshing down quiet trails

Winterfest Offers a Chance to Make Friends, Learn Something New, and Eat Donuts Read More »

Regardless of all the new media attention, people have been puffing on lifts and in the woods at resorts here for as long as skiers and snowboarders have been ducking ropes and searching for untracked lines.

Marijuana in the Mountains: How Are Washington Ski Resorts Handling Legalization?

Off the record, a handful of ski patrollers I spoke with admit that they’ve noticed an increase in that “funny smell you occasionally notice” on the ski lifts. But none of the patrollers I interviewed could say for certain that marijuana use has increased at their respective ski and snowboard parks this season after recreational

Marijuana in the Mountains: How Are Washington Ski Resorts Handling Legalization? Read More »

Kristi and Owen taking a snuggle break. Photo: Aaron Theisen

Snowshoeing with Children: Tips for Keeping Warm and Having Fun

It’s common in Nordic countries for parents to put their toddlers, swaddled in a pram, outside for their noontime nap, even in the chill of winter. The thinking goes that exposure to cold outside air can stave off wintertime colds, in addition to getting little ones accustomed to wintertime temps. Even if parents here aren’t

Snowshoeing with Children: Tips for Keeping Warm and Having Fun Read More »

Hailey Cecie throwing down at The Grind. Photo: Dustin Semb

The Grind: How the Region’s Biggest Rail Jam Came to EWU and Why You Need to Be There

The Grind, one of the largest open ski and snowboard rail jams on the West Coast that attracts hundreds of spectators and up to 90 competitors, is held in an unlikely location – behind the library on the Eastern Washington University campus in Cheney, a small college town surrounded by rolling Palouse wheat fields and

The Grind: How the Region’s Biggest Rail Jam Came to EWU and Why You Need to Be There Read More »

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