Search Results for: backpacking

Book Reviews September 2010

Outdoor Medical Emergency Handbook – First Aid For Travelers, Backpackers, Adventurers Dr. Spike Briggs & Dr. Campbell Mackenzie Firefly Books, 2010, 244 pages. This book isn’t for the family heading out to the lake or the couple heading out there for a few days of backpacking. After the Table of Contents and Introduction, there’s a

Book Reviews September 2010 Read More »

Photo of backcountry campsite by Katie LeBlanc.

Hiking And Camping On The Pacific Northwest Trail: Three Great Routes For Crossing The Inland Northwest On Foot

By Callae Frazier And Dale Tessin What inspires and encourages us to step away? Why do we intentionally present ourselves with physical, mental and psychological challenges in the backcountry? For some it’s the sense of adventure. Others are instilled with confidence by the experience. And many simply revel in the opportunity to spend as much

Hiking And Camping On The Pacific Northwest Trail: Three Great Routes For Crossing The Inland Northwest On Foot Read More »

Everyday Cyclist: The Wonder Fabric You’ve Never Heard Of

Over the years, I’ve discovered that there is no such thing as dry and warm for long, vigorous rides in bad weather. And because most high-tech fabrics start with promises of “warm and dry,” which I’ve never actually experienced, I’ve developed an aversion to most high-tech clothing. I like wool. Sometimes I’ll wrap a cheap

Everyday Cyclist: The Wonder Fabric You’ve Never Heard Of Read More »

Test Your Winter Gnarliness

Here’s the trifecta of winter outdoor mountaineering, courtesy RAA: Revelstoke Alpine Adventures Fills First Avalanche Skills Training Courses, Adds More Avalanche Training, Guided Ski Touring and Waterfall Ice Climbing REVELSTOKE, British Columbia – As the snow continues to fall and the need for avalanche safety and skills training increases, Revelstoke Alpine Adventures (RAA) announces additional

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