
Search Results for: jess walter

Local Holiday Gift Guide – 2020

By Derrick Knowles & Jon Jonckers 2020 has been a year we won’t ever forget, and local businesses need our support more than ever. Shopping at locally-owned stores helps keep jobs and money in our local communities, and local businesses will work harder to make sure you’re happy with your purchases. Wear a mask, use hand sanitizer, and use this

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photo of three books on a bench.

Explore Nature with These Outdoor Themed Book Recommendations

Enjoy one of these books with local or regional significance while out on your next summertime adventure. The Spokane River (2018) edited by Paul Lindholdt: A newly-published collection of essays and poems on the environment—with reflections from 28 contributors—including Jess Walter, Tod Marshall, Sherman Alexie, Jerry White (Spokane Riverkeeper), Beatrice Lackaff (OTO writer), and many

Explore Nature with These Outdoor Themed Book Recommendations Read More »

Swimmers cool off in the Spokane River below Sandifur Bridge. Photo: Shallan Knowles

New Book “The Spokane River” Features Spokane River Reflections

Perhaps a river might seem like just a river—a waterway connecting a lake to another river. But not the Spokane. In the new book The Spokane River edited by Paul Lindholdt, 26 essays and three poems provide an intriguing, in-depth “biography” of the river, as Lindholdt refers to the book in his Introduction. With the

New Book “The Spokane River” Features Spokane River Reflections Read More »

The Secret History of Inland Northwest Outdoor Recreation

By Jon Snyder, Jon Jonckers, & Derrick Knowles Please take a moment while charging your GPS and IPhone to consider the hallowed tradition of the regional outdoor guidebook. It’s no secret that outdoor knowledge has exploded on the internet. Sites with user submitted data and comments are proliferating and enhancing what we know of the

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