Wings of Beauty

Special Program In Spokane on April 14 – “Wings of Beauty”

Join Washington Butterfly Association Founder Idie Ulsh for a fast-moving and fun evening program for all ages.

Bring the family and learn more about the butterflies of Northeast Washington at this colorful and fast-moving presentation sponsored by the Washington Butterfly Association and WSU Extension. The program is from 7 – 8:30 pm, April 14, at the Spokane Extension Office classroom, 222 N. Havana.

Speaker Idie Ulsh will cover the natural history of butterflies, butterfly gardening and identify many butterflies which occur in the Spokane area. Her superb photographs include the stages of the life cycle and a butterfly emerging from a chrysalid. Her surprise ending will delight all who are fascinated by nature!

Idie Ulsh is the founding president of the Washington Butterfly Association, Past President of Seattle Audubon, freelance nature photographer and an independent college counselor.

The program is free, and open to the public. Space is limited.
Please call 509-477-2048 to pre-register by April 11.

For more information contact:
Erik Sjoquist, – 509-477-2048 or
Carol Mack, – 509-447-2401

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