When Giving Up on the Activities You Love Isn’t An Option

Testosterone Replacement Therapy is a safe, effective treatment that helps many men achieve renewed vitality and a higher quality of life.

If you’ve ever felt that fatigue; increased fat around the mid-section; and not being able to bike, hike, run, paddle, or climb like you used to is just an unavoidable part of getting older, think again. Many of these symptoms, as well as decreased muscle mass, low motivation, depression, a declining sex drive, and other common ailments in aging men may actually be a sign of low testosterone. While it’s not well-known, thankfully there is something you can do about it, and it’s called testosterone replacement therapy or TRT.

Testosterone is a hormone known as an androgen that is produced in the testicles. It is found in men and women, but at higher levels in men. This sex hormone causes things like thicker hair growth, muscle mass, strength, fat distribution and bone growth. As men age, their testosterone production gradually declines, but you don’t have to live with the consequences. 

A simple blood test is all it takes to check your testosterone levels, and if low testosterone is identified, you have options, including testosterone replacement therapy. Right here in the Inland NW, Moscow, Idaho-based nurse practitioner Michael Lynn offers safe, confidential testosterone replacement therapy at his clinic, Trident (tridentman.com).

The process starts with a no-obliga4on conversa4on with Michael, and if you opt to give TRT a try, Michael provides a one-hour comprehensive evalua4on that can be completed over the phone, or by video conference. The lab work to check your testosterone levels can also be set up through a lab near you in Spokane or elsewhere in North Idaho, making the process super convenient.

As a past ski patroller, NOLS wilderness EMT and Outward Bound instructor, and medical staff for the University of Idaho Vandals, Michael understands the value active men place on their ability to stay fit, continue to enjoy outdoor sports, and feel energetic and healthy. His approach to TRT is comprehensive too. Michael looks at other potential causes of low testosterone, including certain medications, obesity, lack of exercise, and certain foods, and incorporates strategies for mitigating those impacts.

The question many men have when it comes to testosterone therapy comes down to safety. Despite the publicity of some past, poorly designed studies that stirred up unfounded fears, more recent studies demonstrate the safe, promising benefits of TRT given at physiologic, therapeutic levels, including a general sense of well-being and improved cardiovascular and prostate health.

If you are ready to take control of your life and usher in some major positive life changes with benefits ranging from weight loss to increased mental focus, motivation, and physical performance and workout recovery, it’s time to connect with Michael Lynn at TridentTRT@protonmail.com or on the phone (208-962-1878) for an honest, no pressure conversation about your health. Learn more and check out frequently asked questions at Tridentman.com/faq.

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