Nordic Kids Make the Most of Winter

Looking for a way to get your kids out on the snow this winter? Try Nordic Kids cross-country ski lessons! On seven Saturdays in January and February, 150 kids ages 5-15 are up at the Mount Spokane State Park Nordic Ski Area, laughing, stretching their legs, and learning new skills. They learn in teams based on age and skill, using games and drills that give them a love of fitness and the outdoors. Many build friendships that last a lifetime.   

Once kids get familiar with the basics of Nordic (cross-country) skiing, they move beyond the flat learning area to the rolling trails. After a few sessions, many groups will venture off-track to explore the forest or head out as far as the Nova Hut for a break in front of the warm glow of the wood stove. The season is capped off with a Snow Carnival of games and food. The cost for the program is $80 per child with financial aid available. More details are available at 

Mt. Spokane Nordic Kids group lesson // Photo courtesy of Brooke Foley

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