Editor’s Note: Please respect any coronavirus-related trail or park closures that may be in effect during the month of April by modifying these 5K routes if necessary.
Each of these downtown-based runs is approximately a 5K distance. Both offer prime river views, taking runners along sections of the Centennial Trail.
Looff Carrousel to Hamilton Loop—a flat and fast tour of Riverfront Park with river views
From the Looff Carrousel in Riverfront Park, head east on the Centennial Trail toward the First Interstate Center for the Arts. About a mile in you’ll hit a footbridge; cross it to continue east another third of a mile, continuing on the Centennial Trail through the GU campus until you reach this route’s turnaround point: the top of the pedestrian bridge spanning Hamilton (1.3 miles). Retrace your route until just east of the footbridge you crossed a few minutes ago, this time veering right on the trail (river now to your left). Follow the trail west (you’ll hit the underpass at Division about .8 miles after the turnaround point), passing the Centennial Hotel. When you get to Howard Street (about 2.6 miles in), take a left to follow the bridge across the river to Canada Island. Go right to traverse the island, then take a left on the trail’s narrow suspended bridge to head south. Head left and up the stairs to avoid construction, and then right and back across the river then right toward and around the Numerica Skate Ribbon, then head east to wrap up your 5K back at the carousel. You may need to modify this route due to ongoing park construction.

Out and Back Past the Falls and Kendall Yards—with option to descend into People’s Park.
From the Spokane Tribal Gathering Place (353 N. Post), head north across the Post Street Bridge, then go left on Bridge Ave. About .2 miles into route, veer left onto the Centennial Trail heading west. Follow the trail under the Monroe Street Bridge (look over your shoulder to admire the falls) and continue west, with Kendall Yards to your right. After a half mile on the trail, the route crosses over the Maple Street Bridge. Continue west to pass by the Olmstead Brothers Green at Nettleton St. (1.2 miles). Continue west another third of a mile until you hit the 1.5 mile mark—the trail forks here. Turn around and head back downtown to make this a quick 5K with little elevation gain. For added difficulty, tack on approximately .8 miles by forking left downhill toward People’s Park. At the footbridge, turn around to get in some hill work on the way back up. If you’re feeling strong, repeat. At the top of the hill, take a right to retrace your route to the starting point.
Sarah Hauge is a writer and editor who lives in Spokane with her husband and two daughters. She writes Out There’s Run Wild column.