Cycle Celebration Returns: July 25, 2021

By Dave Trimmer

Spokane Valley, Wash.

When Spokane Valley’s Cycle Celebration came to life in 2013, it was all about celebrating the freedom of being on a bicycle and riding around some of the Valley’s most scenic routes for the city’s 10th birthday. This past year taught us that getting outside and escaping on a bicycle is one of the best and easiest ways to improve mental health during a pandemic or anytime for that matter. We also learned how much we miss our friends and being outside with other people.

COVID-19 willing, and all signs suggest it will, Cycle Celebration will take its accustomed place on the calendar, the last Sunday in July, which is the 25th this year. Riders of all abilities are invited come enjoy a scenic ride with others.

Spokane Valley’s Cycle Celebration Origins

Cycle Celebration came to be when Spokane Valley City Councilman Bill Gothmann thought a group bicycle ride would be a great way to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the city. But they needed some riders to get things rolling. Enter Marc Mims, who was on Gothmann’s radar because of his local activism, which led to a “pedal with the politicians” themed ride led by bike shop owner John Abernathy and a couple others who rode out of The Bike Hub on Wednesday nights. Those Wednesday night, 2-hour, 25-mile, no-drop rides were all about strong, veteran riders encouraging less experienced riders. With the help of the Spokane Valleyfest crew, Cycle Celebration was born. Since the beginning, Cycle Celebrations has been about encouraging young riders to be confident in groups. The offers experienced cyclists a good ride but caters to occasional riders, kids, and families.

Cycle Celebration Has Three Rides to Choose From

Join the festivities on Sunday, July 25, at Mirabeau Point Park and select one of three-morning bike rides throughout the region. Option number one is a 50-mile “Hills Around the Valley” ride, which loops bikers as far north as Mead and includes a few challenging hills (starts at 8 a.m.). Then there is the 25-mile “Adventure Ride” with a route mostly south of Spokane Valley (9 a.m. start time). The third ride option is a 10-mile “Family Friendly” ride on an easy route that follows the Centennial Trail to the Barker Trailhead, and then back to Mirabeau Point Park. The Family Ride offers fabulous scenic views of the Spokane River (9:30 a.m. start). Read more about the ride routes.

All bike rides start at the North Centennial Trail Head across from Mirabeau Point Park at 13500 E. Mirabeau Parkway, Spokane Valley, WA.

Find details for this year’s ride and register at

Two women on bikes, wearing clothing gear and helmets, smiling at the camera, surrounded by other cyclists during Spokane Valley's Cycle Celebration.
Join the fun at Spokane Valley’s Cycle Celebration on the last Sunday in July.

Learn how Cycle Celebration got started in this story from the OTO archives.

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