Backcountry Booty: Team OTM Challenge & Lyte Balance (Hidden 3.5.16; Found 3.15.16)

The Booty has Been Found. Congratulations to the winner!


Play the OTM Backcountry Booty scavenger hunt contest and you get to explore different trails around the region and possibly win gift certificates for cool outdoor gear and other prizes. Here’s how it works:
1. We hide a booty certificate, that’s good for whatever prizes are up for grabs, along a trail somewhere in a park or recreation area in the greater Spokane area.
2. We name the general location and offer up a few clues and photos on Facebook and the Out There Monthly website (scroll down on this page for the clues and pics). Check the contest page at to review all the clues for the current booty.
3. We keep giving out clues on Facebook until someone finds the booty and wins!
4. Winners post a victory photo on OTM’s Facebook page to confirm that it’s been found, and then we let them know where to pick up the prize(s)!

2.11.16 Backcountry Booty prize: This time, you’ll be hunting for an entrance to TEAM OTM CHALLENGE a $50 value, and a 16 oz bottle of Lyte Balance electrolyte concentrate.

Thank You to These Contest Sponsors!



This Backcountry Booty has been found!

Backcountry Booty clue #4: “It’s up there!”

It's up there.
It’s up there.

Backcountry Booty clue #3: You know you are getting closer when you find this sweet little trail.

Getting closer!
Getting closer!


Views from the trial that holds the booty.
Views from the trail that holds the booty.


Backcountry Booty clue #2: When presented with a choice, take the path less traveled.




The Balsamroot is poking it's head up.
The Balsamroot is poking its head up.


The trails are beautiful this time of year!
The trails are beautiful this time of year!


Backcountry Booty clue #1: The booty is well hidden somewhere on the Bluff off of Spokane’s South Hill, but the wildlife could find it.

Here's what you are looking for!
Here’s what you are looking for!


You are on the right trail if you find signs of this large animal.

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