Search Results for: Inland Northwest Land Conservancy

Public Lands Organizations Guide 2023

There are dozens of outdoor recreation, wildlife, and land conservation organizations and public lands agencies that protect, enhance, and help manage Inland Northwest public lands. They work to protect and maintain trails and other recreation destinations, wildlife, and natural resources. Find one or more that strike a chord with you and support them and our

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Inland NW Trail & Outdoor News

Outdoorsy Events Let Your Voice Be Heard! The Blue Mountains region, consisting of the Umatilla, Wallowa-Whitman, and Malheur National Forests, is currently undergoing a revision of its existing Forest Plan. A series of public meetings is planned throughout September and October, including an online Zoom meeting option on October 10. Join any of these and

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Inland NW Trail & Outdoor News

OUTDOORSY EVENTS CONSERVATION & STEWARDSHIP OPPORTUNITIES at wildfire preparedness in your own backyard with a Firewise Risk Assessment, free for Spokane County residents through the Spokane Conservation District ( Those located outside Spokane County should check with their area’s Department of Natural Resources or other agencies for similar opportunities.

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