
Bluff Talks, Nov 28

Friends of the Bluff Presents Second-Annual Bluff Talks

Wednesday, November 28, 2018, 7-9 pm

The Montvale Event Center (1017 W 1st Ave, Spokane)

Photo on the bluff by Julie Pomerantz

Join Friends of the Bluff in the second-annual Bluff Talks series on Wednesday, November 28. Five storytellers will have 10 minutes or less to share their connection to the High Drive Bluff Park, highlighting the importance of this recreational gem on the side of the bustling south hill.

WHAT: On Nov. 28, from 7-9 pm, at The Montvale Event Center, five people from our Spokane community will share their own unique stories. Each story is in some way related to the High Drive Bluff Park, and will be 10 minutes or less.

This is an all-ages event. $10 suggested donation. Cash bar opens at 6:30 p.m.

All proceeds support Friends of the Bluff.


The Geologist: Nigel Davies, Geology Lecturer, Eastern Washington University

Bluffology: Filled to the Brim, Empty at the Core

The Visionary: Dave Schaub, Executive Director, Inland Northwest Land Conservancy

Olmsted 2.0 – A Vision for an Expanded and Interconnected Park System for the Coming Century

The Parks Advocate: Angel Spell, Assistant Director of Natural Resources, Spokane Parks & Recreation

A Call for Big Dreams and Radical Ideas: What does the future of the Bluff Look Like?


The Survivor: Brad Thiessen, trail runner and brain cancer survivor

The Bluff as a Place of Healing


The Friends of Bluff Guy: Pat Keegan, President of Friends of the Bluff

What We’re Up To at Friends of the Bluff and Why it Matters to You


WHY: “Bluff Talks is all about stirring up a deeper sense of place,” said Marit Fischer, Friends of the Bluff board member. “This sense is a human emotional experience that gives meaning to a location. It’s what makes someplace different from another in our minds and it gives us reason to care. Bluff Talks makes the High Drive Bluff Park personal by sharing stories from members of our community who are invested in it for their own reasons.”

ABOUT FRIENDS OF THE BLUFF: At Friends of the Bluff, we are a collaboration of hikers, runners, mountain bikers, dog walkers, bird watchers, and nature lovers who volunteer to maintain Spokane’s High Drive Bluff Park, a 500-acre forest park on the western edge of the South Hill. We organize naturalist events, spearhead trail maintenance, promote outdoor recreation, manage the forest, treat invasive weeds, and keep our Bluff clean. We are our open space’s advocates and protectors. We are a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization.

CONTACT:  Marit Fischer, Friends of the Bluff, (801) 450-3244, marit@maritfischer.com


[featured image by Julie Pomerantz.]

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