
November 2023

3 Fall Hikes in the Channeled Scablands

By Heidi Lasher When I moved to Spokane in 2010, I heard a lot about the ice-age floods. In fact, unsolicited information about the Pleistocene Megafloods would materialize in my life with annoying frequency: on signage along the river, tourist brochures, my kids’ elementary school classrooms. Everywhere I turned, someone seemed to be tapping my

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Cut the Congestion Grants Offered to Local Businesses

Cut the Congestion is a one-year grant program that is being offered to local businesses by Commute Smart Northwest. This community-based outreach program aims to help businesses develop commute smart programs to encourage employees to ride transit, bicycle, carpool, vanpool or walk to work. These programs are designed to reduce traffic congestion, improve air quality and optimize

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Repatriated Colville Tribal Lands Benefit Okanogan River Steelhead

In late September, Western Rivers Conservancy (WRC) and the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation permanently conserved the 2,524-acre Antoine Valley Ranch, returning ancestral lands to the Colville Tribes and delivering desperately needed water to Antoine Creek and its imperiled run of Okanogan River steelhead. Antoine Valley Ranch spans 2.5 miles of Antoine Creek, a

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Pray for Snow Party at Perry Street Brewing Friday Nov. 17th

By Whil Wheaton Does praying for snow really help? Nobody really knows, but it can’t hurt! Don’t miss the 8th annual Pray for Snow bash at Spokane’s Perry Street Brewing (PSB), a festive kickoff to the ski and snowboard season and a Spokane tradition. Expect great beer, retro and colorful ski attire, and high-energy antics,

Pray for Snow Party at Perry Street Brewing Friday Nov. 17th Read More »

Donations Needed to Improve the Camp Sekani Parking Lot

If you ride, run, or hike at Camp Sekani Park, one of Spokane’s most popular mountain bike trail systems, you will undoubtably benefit from the improvements that are currently proposed for the often pothole-riddled gravel and dirt parking lot. The planned paving of the lot will make parking easier and less dusty or muddy depending

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New “Climb for the Cure” Bike Race to the Top of Mount Spokane

Road and gravel riders and hill-loving mountain bikers will want to mark their calendars for June 15, 2024, for Climb for the Cure, a new, timed MTB/gravel race to the top of Mount Spokane. The total climb will include 5,400 feet in elevation gain over the 30-mile, mostly uphill race. This is a race with purpose too.

New “Climb for the Cure” Bike Race to the Top of Mount Spokane Read More »

New High-Speed Quad at Schweitzer

Schweitzer skiers and snowboarders this winter will enjoy an even faster trip up the mountain with the new state-of-the-art Creekside Express chairlift, a high-speed detachable quad that replaces the Musical Chairs fixed grip double. This new lift is poised to elevate the experience for guests of all ages and abilities with the detachable design making

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