Explore one of Idaho’s most pristine rivers, while conserving open space and creating outdoor opportunities for youth with Kaniksu Land Trust!

Join Sandpoint-based Middle Fork River Tours for a five-day trip through the wild heart of Idaho in the 2.3 million acre Frank Church Wilderness. You’ll enjoy luxurious camping, breathtaking scenery, whitewater adventure, first class fishing, and gourmet dining!
Just a few seats are left for this August 29—September 2 journey down the Middle Fork of the Salmon River. During the trip, your days will be spent fishing, running white water, and exploring trails, hot springs and ancient sites along the river.

The experienced team at Middle Fork River Tours will provide gourmet Dutch oven meals with complimentary drinks, and will transport your tents and gear each day—giving you more time to relax in the natural beauty and wonder of the river. Learn more about Middle Fork River Tours on their website. These are some of the last remaining seats with Middle Fork River Tours for the summer of 2019!

As an added bonus, these seats will benefit Kaniksu Land Trust’s (KLT) ongoing work to protect valuable lands and provide outdoor opportunities for the communities of north Idaho and northwest Montana. KLT protects over 3,600 acres of land and provides outdoor education for over 750 area youth each year. Curious about what the non-profit organization KLT does? Read how they connect communities with the land and water that sustains them.

Funds from this trip will be used to support Pine Street Woods, KLT’s new community forest, just minutes from Sandpoint, Idaho. This 180-acre property will be home to miles of hiking, biking, snowshoe and cross-country ski trails, as well a year-round recreation center.
Your contribution of $3,000 to Kaniksu Land Trust will ensure that you don’t miss the chance to experience this unique trip—one you can feel good about taking! To reserve your seat, contact KLT at (208) 263-9471.

[Photos courtesy of Kaniksu Land Trust]
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