Smoother Paths in the Future for the Centennial Trail

Generous donations and consistent support of local advocacy groups has really paid off for cyclists and runners pushing a baby jogger. Last month, the Friends of the Centennial Trail and the Riverside State Park Foundation collaborated to purchase a specialized asphalt repair machine, and donate it to Riverside State Park. Maintenance for the Centennial Trail and many Park trails, especially root upheavals and crack sealing, is an ongoing battle, and renting a specialized machine for the job proved too costly and inefficient to do it frequently. However, the span in between repairs proved equally costly because so many cracks in high-traffic areas on paved trails deteriorated so rapidly that they required more funds and resources than if they would have been fixed right away.

“Both groups donated about twelve thousand dollars towards this machine. We are very pleased that we’re in a position to contribute to this, and one of the main reasons we could support this venture is because we have great Adopt-A-Mile partners and members. They deserve a lot of the credit too,” says Karen Nielsen, Executive Chair for the Friends of the Centennial Trail.

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