This Arbor Day (April 28) a volunteer crew will be working on designated trails and plantings in People’s Park, located just west of downtown Spokane. According to Lunell Haught, president of the Inland NW Trails Coalition, this project is a part of the Hangman Creek Corridor multi-year project to connect a nine mile land and water trail from the mouth of Hangman (Latah) Creek to Hatch Road at Highway 195. Volunteers will be on site from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. If you would like to volunteer, contact Lunell Haught at Come prepared to ready planting beds, plant native shrubs and trees, or prune existing vegetation. Bring gloves, shovels/pruners, water, and work shoes/boots. Check out the Inland NW Trails Coalition’s Facebook page or for more information on People’s Park check out this article written by Bea Lackaff, //