National Geographic Speaker Series

November 3, National Geographic and WestCoast Entertainment present astrobiologist and National Geographic Emerging Explorer Kevin Hand. Best known as the founder of Cosmos Education, Hand currently works for NASA planning a mission to Jupiter’s moon Europa to investigate evidence of a vast subsurface ocean, a body of water that could sustain primitive forms of life nearly 600 million miles from Earth.

Hand is the first of four speakers coming to Spokane who are both documenting and helping to preserve the world’s natural beauty, while expanding the frontiers of human knowledge and achievement. Throughout the years, National Geographic has compiled a rich program of speakers and storytellers, and each year the Speaker Series reaches bigger audiences and motivates more explorers.

Back in 2005, Hand appeared alongside director James Cameron in “Aliens of the Deep,” applying his knowledge about extraterrestrial environments to Earth’s own unexplored realms. In the summer of 2012, Hand joined Cameron’s team on his historic Challenger Deep dive into the Marianas Trench, the deepest place on the planet. Hand is dedicated and invested in the ongoing search for life on other worlds.

Using award-winning photographs and video, Hand promises to deliver an engaging presentation about discovering new life forms on Earth, and how we might find extraterrestrial life in other parts of the solar system. At a 2014 NASA panel discussion, Hand predicted that extraterrestrial life would be found within 20 years. Considering he spent the last two years working specifically towards this goal, there is a good chance his presentation will be educational and inspiring.

Find out more information and buy tickets for the Speaker Series at:

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