Bozeman-based Oboz makes boots and shoes for just about any type of hiking you can imagine. The Sundog hiking shoe is a light (around 11 oz.), comfortable and well-breathing hiking companion that I have kept by the front door all winter for everything from walks through the neighborhood that may dip down along the river trail to full-on day hikes. With excellent traction, it’s at home on the trail, and the running-shoe look and light weight feel may inspire you to take off running through the woods. It’s a great shoe for any hiker who may be flirting with trail running and doesn’t want to look like a hiker. Speaking of looks, the Sundog is a smart looking shoe that you won’t want to leave at home for a night on the town, especially if you’re hoofing it to your neighborhood pub or pizzeria. MSRP: $100. Find them at Mountain Gear in Spokane or at //