In Japanese, Santoku means “three virtues.” The GSI Outdoors Santoku Knife Set includes three knives, and they’re perfect for camping, the beach, or backyard cooking. While some people might use a grubby pocket knife for backcountry cooking, the Santoku set features clean, compact, stainless steel blades perfectly rockered for cutting, and the ergonomic, rubber handles provide a secure grip. Better still, protective knife sheaths ensure safe handling and preserve each blades’ sharpness. The set also includes a genius, folding cutting board and a microfiber cleaning cloth. Bon appétit. MSRP: $34.95. //
Jon Jonckers
A quick search on the Out There Outdoors website brings up over 100 articles written by Jon Jonckers. He's been a constant contributor since 2006, and he still enjoys sharing his love for the region with anyone willing to listen. From bold action photos to authentic gear reviews to thoughtful interviews, Jon gets out there a lot!
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