Planning a “High Lakes” Fishing Trip

The Washington Department of Fish and Game has an excellent website to help you plan your excursion. Go to and click on “High Lakes.” This website lists the lakes by county, by national forest, and by fish species. It also has a listing of lakes with an overabundance of fish, recommended fishing methods, stocking schedules, and suggested ‘getting started’ lakes. What it doesn’t offer is detailed descriptions for hiking trails that take you to those lakes, but that’s where the Internet comes in. When you have found a lake that interests you, just type that lake into the search bar and chances are you’ll find that hike reviewed on one of several hiking websites. The information is out there and the planning is half the fun.

Not convinced fishing Washington’s high lakes is worth the reward? Check out this article by Harley McAllister for reasons to fish Washington’s high country.

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