Bloomsday Update

By the end of this January, Bloomsday sign-ups were at 3,000 — triple what they were at that time last year. More than 7,300 elementary school children have already begun getting in shape by participating in a “Fit For Bloomsday…Fit For Life” training program at one of over 70 participating schools in the region.

The course will be the same as last year, but new “D-tag” timing will be used. Sign up online if you want to receive an email about a week before Bloomsday weekend letting you know your race number and the color of your starting group, and have the option to keep family and friends together in the same starting group.

Look forward to two new events—The Bloomsday-Hoopfest Team Championship and the Bloomsday Teen Challenge. The Teen Challenge will match teen runners from area middle schools and high schools to see which team can finish the race with the lowest total time.

Online registration for Bloomsday ’10 is open at, and printed entry brochures will soon be available at locations throughout the Inland Northwest. The on-time entry fee for Bloomsday is $15.00. Mailed entries must be postmarked by April 13 to avoid the late entry fee of $30.00. In addition, two local Sports Authority stores will be taking entry forms from now until the entry deadline of April 13.

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