Play the OTM Backcountry Booty treasure hunt contest and you get to explore different trails around the region and possibly win gift certificates for cool outdoor gear and other prizes. Here’s how it works along with a few rules you need to follow to play:
- We hide a booty certificate, that’s good for whatever prizes are up for grabs, near a trail somewhere in a park or recreation area in the greater Spokane area.
- We name the general location and offer up a few clues and photos on Facebook and the Out There Monthly website (scroll down on this page for the clues and pics).
- You “like” Out There Monthly’s Facebook page to keep in the loop when a new booty is up for grabs, and then check the contest page at to review all the current clues.
- You take care not to trample native plants/wildlife while you’re searching. No digging, turning over rocks or disturbing shorelines, logs or brush that provide important wildlife habitat is required to find a booty and is highly frowned upon and will bring you bad booty karma! Walk, look around and pay attention to the clues and forest/nature around you. We also encourage you to take along a garbage bag for picking up trash whenever you’re out hunting for booty.
- We keep giving out clues on Facebook and on our website until someone finds the booty and wins.
- Winners take a victory photo at the location where they find it and post the photo on Out There Monthly’s Facebook page to confirm that the booty has been found (letting us know that you found the booty right away is important–email us with questions).
- Follow the instructions on the booty certificate and we will let you know where to pick up the prize(s)!
10-19-16 Booty Prize: Eagles Nest Outfitters (ENO) Double Nest Hammock Package ($200 value!)
ENO makes some of the best hammocks around, and this prize package comes decked out with everything you’ll need to chill out in ultimate style: a double nest two-person hammock with atlas suspension system, an ENO speaker that hangs from your hammock and plays tunes from your phone, a Twilight lighting system that creates a relaxing, sparkling atmosphere, and an Islander blanket.
Thank You to Our Contest Sponsor Eagles Nest Outfitters! (aka ENO)

Backcountry Booty FOUND:Â Brandon fond it tucked into a tree. Nice job!

Backcountry Booty clue #3: This tree is a sign that you’re headed in the right direction.
Backcountry Booty clue #2: A short ways in on the trail, the views of downtown and the South Hill are pretty awesome. Enjoy the scenery, and then keep hiking; the booty has a very different view where it’s hiding.
Backcountry Booty clue #1: For this Backcountry Booty, you get to explore a lesser-known corner of the amazing Dishman Hills area, a beautiful natural area between the South Hill and Spokane Valley that is blazing with fall colors right now. Use the photo of the trailhead below to figure out where to start your search. There is private property adjacent to the trails you’ll be hiking on, so be careful to stay on public land and respect all private property. And as always, do not disturb any plants, trees, logs, rocks, or wildlife while out looking for the booty (see rule #4 above), and park responsibly at the trailhead (don’t block gates/driveways/roads/etc.). To begin your search, check out the Dishman Hills Conservancy website to learn more about the Dishman Hills and try to figure out where to start. Good luck!
