
Report from Langlauf

Photo by Jon Jonckers

OTM writer Jon Jonckers says this past weekend’s race might have been the best ever:

Unbeatable blue skies paired with crisp morning temperatures made the 31st anniversary of the Langlauf arguably one of the best yet. Thanks to a fresh four inch coat of snow last Thursday/Friday, the Langlauf course beamed white and crisp. The winning time was 29:21 for the 10k route – smoking fast! It’s tough to imagine better turnout or better conditions, but if I could make a suggestion I would tell the Langlauf committee to add kilometer markers throughout the course. There’s enough GPS pacing/training devices on the market for anyone interested in tracking their performance, and it helps to align yourself with course numbers. All in all, I had a wonderful time with my friends and peers, and I’m really looking forward to doing it again next year.

Eric and Travis. Photos by Jon Jonckers.

The finsih line. Photo Jon Jonckers.
The finsih line. Photo Jon Jonckers.

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