
March 2019

Leavenworth, Wash.—Excavator Marooned in the Enchantments

Aging dams deep in the Alpine Lakes Wilderness sparked a crisis that is continuing to unfold. Last year, officials from the Icicle and Peshastin Irrigation Districts discovered that the crumbling Eightmile Dam could be overwhelmed with spring runoff. Many wilderness dams are aging, and due to climate change, more precipitation is falling as rain instead

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Close up photo of hawk.

Boise, Idaho—Smartphone App to Aid Raptor Conservation

For the last five years, the Boise, Idaho, based Peregrine Fund has collaborated with researchers in Africa on a pilot project called the African Raptor Databank, allowing users to upload data about raptors in real time. The data gathered by the pilot program has already significantly slowed the decline of six vulture species in Africa

Boise, Idaho—Smartphone App to Aid Raptor Conservation Read More »

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