Backcountry Booty: River Trail (9.14.15–9.20.15)

This Booty has been found! Congratulations to the winners!

9-20-15 winner pic

Play the OTM Backcountry Booty scavenger hunt contest and you get to explore different trails around the region and possibly win gift certificates for cool outdoor gear and other prizes. Here’s how it works:
1. We hide a booty certificate, that’s good for whatever prizes are up for grabs, along a trail somewhere in a park or recreation area in the greater Spokane area.
2. We name the general location and offer up a few clues and photos on Facebook and the Out There Monthly website. Check the contest page at to review all the clues for the current booty.
3. We keep giving out clues on Facebook until someone finds the booty and wins!
4. Winners post a victory photo on OTM’s Facebook page to confirm that it’s been found.

Backcountry booty prize: You’ll be hunting for a voucher for pair of Black Diamond Trekking Poles, a Black Diamond Ion Headlamp and a K9 Sky-Trak portable, packable dog run kit ($175 value).

Contest Sponsor:



Contest Clues:

Backcountry booty clue #3:
Here’s what you’re looking for, which gives you some clues to go on.

Come find me!
Come find me!

And because this one is probably going to be a bit hard to find, here’s a bonus clue in this photo caption:

If you end up here, you've gone too far!
If you end up here, you’ve gone too far!

Backcountry booty clue #2:

You are headed in the right direction, but where to go from here? Way out along the trail? Deep in the bush? Down by the river? Look hard. And enjoy this beautiful section of trail!


Backcountry booty clue #1:

Park here (lot behind the trees in the distance), cross the bridge and head down river. More clues coming soon.



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