What? Did you say indoor bike parking downtown?


Yes. It’s true. As part of its participation in Spokane’s Commute Trip Reduction (CTR) program, The Fernwell Building and the City Ramp Garage are offering indoor bicycle parking in Downtown Spokane available to both Fernwell Building Tenants and the public. The City Ramp Garage is providing a ride-in, secured bicycle storage room in the basement of its Building starting at one dollar per day.

To schedule a tour of the new bicycle parking facility, please stop by City Ramp at the corner of 1st and Stevens or contact city ramp manager Lu Gaurdipee at 509.624.1313.

The Fernwell Building’s Commute Trip Coordinator, Holly Coleman, is also available to answer at questions and can be reached at 509-624-5664 or hcoleman@fernwell.net.

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