Volunteer on the Trails

Give Back to our Wilderness Trails this Summer!

Join the Washington Trails Association (WTA) for these Work Parties on the Colville National Forest.

August 1-2: Salmo Priest Wilderness
Come for one day or stay overnight for a BBQ. Meat and drinks provided by WTA and Conservation Northwest, bring a potluck dish to share. Meet at Gypsy Meadows at 8:30 AM each day. Depending upon work priorities, on Saturday we will be fixing an unsafe section of trail on the Shedroof Divide Trail #512 where avalanches have filled in the existing trail and brush is forcing hikers toward the edge. Horses have not been able to get back there for several years. On Sunday we will remove downed trees from the Salmo Basin Trail #506 so that next week’s work party can progress closer to Snowy Top. Both days will require a round trip hike of approximately 8 miles.

August 8-10: Salmo Priest Wilderness
This trip is considered a 3-day backpack, known as a “BackCountry Response Team” trip. We will hike up the Salmo Basin Trail #506 as far as is practicable and set up a base camp from which we will log out approximately 20 trees farther up the trail and clear a heavily overgrown area that is making the trail nearly impassible. You will need to carry your own supplies and food, but some of the meals may be provided by a grant from Conservation Northwest. It is possible the Back Country Horsemen will transport our food, tools, and some of the group gear to a pre-designated site to allow for an easier hike in and out. Meet at the Salmo Loop Trailhead at 8:30 AM Saturday August 8th, return approximately 5 PM Monday the 10th.

August 22-23: (Salmo Priest Wilderness, Crowell Ridge…more details soon)
September 5-6: (Backpack Trip, Salmo Priest Wilderness, Slate Creek…more details soon)
September 12-13: (Salmo Priest Wilderness, Shedroof Divide…more details soon)

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