STCU helps tree-planting effort

One more way for teachers to help give back to the community: going green in checking accounts

Starting on Earth Day, STCU members who switch to paper-saving electronic account statements will be helping plant trees. At the same time, they’ll help local students learn about conservation and sustainability.


For every member who makes the switch from paper statements to e-statements between April 22 and June 30, STCU will donate the money to plant one tree along Deep Creek, Coulee Creek and Hangman Creek (also called Latah Creek). Work will be done in North Idaho, as well, although exact locations have not been selected.

The work is being organized by the Lands Council, which hopes to plant 5,000 trees through its Project SUSTAIN. STCU hopes enough members make the switch to e-statements by June 30 to provide at least 1,000 of those trees.


Up to 400 Inland Northwest high school students will help plant the trees, said Amanda Swan, Lands Council director of development and communications. Students from Mead Alternative School, The Community School, On Track Academy, Lewis and Clark High School, Coeur d’Alene High School and Post Falls High School and St. Maries High School will participate.


“The benefits are in reducing erosion in the watershed,” Swan said. “Tree planting helps stabilize stream banks, reducing sediments and toxics from entering our watersheds and eventually the Spokane River. There’s a public health benefit that goes beyond doing something great for the environment and planting trees.”


Switching to e-statements has other benefits, as well:

  • Reduces paper waste.
  • Speeds delivery.
  • Keeps your confidential financial records secure.
  • Eliminates the risk of lost or stolen mail.
  • Eliminates postage and printing costs for STCU, a member-owned financial cooperative.


Spokane Teachers Credit Union

Founded by educators in 1934, STCU is a member-owned, not-for-profit cooperative with 113,000 members, more than $1.7 billion in total assets and 16 branch locations in Eastern Washington and North Idaho. Our South Valley Branch features the Valley’s first electric car charging station that’s open to free public use.

For more information, please contact
Dan Hansen, Sr. Communications Officer


509/344-2208 (desk)

509/590-8666 (cell)


Amanda Swan, Director of Development & Communications

The Lands Council


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