One of the pioneers in using radio-frequency seam welding for dry bags, Seattle Sports knows a thing or two about building outdoor gear that can stay dry in wet conditions. The light and water-resistant LocoDry Splash Pack is the perfect answer to rainy days when you need to get out on the trail or take a walk to the store or neighborhood watering hole despite the weather but don’t want your spare clothes, groceries, or other personal items to get soaked in the process. The main pack is seam welded, heavy duty urethane-coated polyester with two small inner pockets, and the shoulder straps are easily adjustable silicone that come in two colors, black and neon-green. The pack also includes a removable, quick-access shoulder sling pack (not waterproof), that can hold a 32 oz water bottle and items like keys, a phone, and a wallet. This modular pocket detaches from the main pack and includes a light, adjustable shoulder sling that’s perfect for short outings in fairer weather when you only need to bring along the basics. MSRP: $129.95.
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