Save Red Rock Canyon

The natural beauty and sense of adventure found at Red Rock Canyon, outside of Las Vegas, NV, is in danger of forever being diminished by the “Gypsum Reclamation Concept Plan,” (GRCP) a development plan atop a former 2,500 acre gypsum mine known as Blue Diamond Hill. Act now to conserve the climbing environment at Red Rocks!

The GRCP is a high density multi-use plan to construct a small city for approximately 22,000 people, complete with 7,200 multi-family residences, education facilities, retail stores, and related amenities that will forever diminish the natural beauty and sense of adventure at Red Rocks. The proposed location, Blue Diamond Hill, is clearly visible from all major formations at Red Rocks.

On Wednesday, August 17, 2011 at 9:00 am, the Clark County Commissioners meet to approve or deny the massive development proposal. Your input is required to help save Red Rock Canyon.

More information can be found at Save Red Rock Canyon.

The most important things climbers can do are submit comments opposing the plan and attend the meeting on August 17th at the Clark County Government Center, Commission Chambers, 500 S. Grand Central Parkway, Las Vegas, NV 89155 (702-455-4431). Let the commissioners know how important it is to preserve the rural nature of Red Rock Canyon.

Click here to go to the Action Alert and use the letter-writing tool to let the commissioners know that you disapprove of the Gypsum Reclamation Concept Plan.

Comments Needed by August 17th.

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