Please follow these guidelines when recreational hiking, boating, fishing, and other day-use activities on public lands and trails resumes on May 5, 2020.
- Check with your destination before departing. While many state-managed land destinations are open for day-use, other local, tribal and federal land may still be closed. (This includes national parks and recreation areas, as well as national forests.)
- Come prepared. Users may find reduced or limited restroom services as staff begin the process to reopen facilities at wildlife areas and water access sites. Users are advised to bring soap, water, hand sanitizer, and toilet paper, as well as a mask or facial covering to shield their noses and mouths.
- When physical distancing is not feasible, including during retail transactions, masks or facial coverings are strongly recommended.
- Avoid crowds. Be prepared to go somewhere else or come back another time if a destination looks crowded.
- Practice social distancing trail etiquette. Give way to others on narrow trails to allow for ample social distancing.
- Users should wash their hands often.
- Pack out what you pack in. Take any garbage with you, including disposable gloves and masks.
- Recreate locally and refrain from overnight stays.