If you haven’t heard, we quietly rolled out a new Out There Membership program this summer to give our readers a chance to support our free print magazine through an annual membership. This new membership program will help Out There be more resilient to the changing tides of the advertising world that currently make the publication possible. Members also get some pretty sweet perks that are totally worth the affordable $65 a year membership dues, including an invite to an annual members’ party, exclusive discounts and deals from many of our advertisers (like Lookout Pass, Wild Walls, Alpine Haus, SOLNIX, and others). Membership also comes with the chance to vote on the types of content you’d like to see more of. Become a member today by scanning the QR code in the print edition or visiting Outthereoutdoors.com/membership and help us ensure that Out There will be around in print for the next 20 years too!
Derrick Knowles
Derrick is the editor and co-publisher of Out There Outdoors. He has spent more than 30 years exploring the Inland Northwest’s trails, mountains, lakes and rivers.
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