
Out There Advertiser Spotlight: North Division Bicycle Shop 

Cover Photo Shallan Knowles

The Inland Northwest is fortunate to have an abundance of really great bike shops. There’s at least one in every urban corner of our region that is full of quality bikes, gear and experts ready to help. But what really makes a bike shop stand out so much that people go out of their way to shop or just stop in to say hello? Is it the variety or abundance of bikes? Is it all the accessories and clothing (with loads of women-specific gear)? Is it a shop cat? My favorite shop has a beautiful feline named Moto and the other mentioned attributes, but that’s not why it’s my go to bike shop. It’s the people, of course.  

Photo Courtesy Shallan Knowles

I met Brenda Mangine of North Division Bicycle Shop when we bought “Out There Monthly” 11 years ago. She was the manager of the store and my contact at the shop for all things advertising related. Not only was she easy to work with, she was fun and laid-back. In 2015 Brenda and husband Scott Willegalle bought North Division Bike Shop and continue to provide excellent customer service.  

Usually you will find Brenda, Scott or both of them near the front counter of the shop, ready to assist the stream of loyal customers. The feeling is not one of condescension or high-pressure sales. They truly listen to what a person needs and provide real answers and solutions. I took a friend into the shop and though the interaction was fun and playful, they assessed her riding situation and found the perfect bike. What struck her the most was the customer service. “Within a week, I received a handwritten note thanking me for the purchase and reminding me I had a free tune-up when I’m ready,” says Alana Livingston, who also writes for Out There.  

Photo Shallan Knowles

The bike industry can be intimidating to many of us who like riding bikes but lack mechanical skills and don’t geek out on the latest bike tech. The array of bikes available and the sales jargon can be confusing, sending some to the local big box store to find a much lesser-quality entry level bike. Brenda and Scott create a warm and welcoming space for all types of riders and even have a great “used bike” section in the back room.  

Photo Courtesy Shallan Knowles

Over the years as we’ve made many trips to North Division, bike mechanics have welcomed us into the shop, even letting our kiddo see what was being done to his bike to help him understand how it works. A visit to the shop feels like checking in with family, and it’s obvious that many other longtime customers feel the same way. When we are there for any length of time, we usually run into other acquaintances or friends. Brenda and Scott are widely loved and respected in the Spokane biking community, and if you haven’t had the pleasure of meeting them yet, stop by and say hello.  

We are grateful for our relationship and friendship that has spanned over a decade, and their consistent advertising has helped make creating each free issue of Out There possible. We hope you’ll thank them with a visit for your next bike or biking gear need! 

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