Sustainability A United Nations Plot?

Can you say “Only in Spokane?” To be honest there maybe some folks in Idaho and Montana who believe that too. Spokane’s John Ahern, who gained fame for asking LC High School students how many babies they were killing–and equating gay people with pets, is leading the charge against sustainability in front of the city council tonight. Former OTM managing editor sent us this plea:

Hi Jon,

If you are able to spread the word to those that might be interested. Tonight the Council votes on the Action Plan generated by the Task Force. Right now only the naysayers are attending. We would like all those that want Spokane to address climate change and peak oil to be there if possible and show their support or speak.

Here is a summary of last week’s council meeting:


Juliet Sinisterra, Services Director
Community-Minded Enterprises

We think the Sustainability action plan is a great thing that everyone should support. Please attend tonight’s meeting at 6PM and City Hall. Don’t let the anti-sustainable folks dominate the discussion!

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