
New Belgium’s Glutiny

Loud and proud, New Belgium has declared mutiny on gluten. For decades, New Belgium has been a leader in the craft beer revolution, and it just invested several years of its brewery wisdom to craft the new Glutiny beers. Admittedly, the Glutiny Pale Ale and Glutiny Golden Ale have similar taste notes compared to other beers brewed with Brewers Clarex, such as the Omission Pale Ale and Omission Golden Lager, but Glutiny ales are slightly hoppier and crisper.

In all fairness, the Glutiny beers are not entirely gluten free. A gluten-free beer is one produced using gluten-free raw materials like sorghum, rice, corn and millet. Beer produced using gluten-containing raw materials like wheat, barley and rye cannot be labeled as “gluten-free.” However, these beers start with barley malt and have been “crafted to remove gluten” through the utilization of an enzyme (Brewers Clarex) capable of breaking gluten proteins down into small fragments. According to the New Belgium website, the gluten content in Glutiny is below the internationally recognized standard of 20 parts per million.

Between the two beers, the Glutiny Pale Ale is a stronger and tastier choice. It features a 6% ABV and 30 IBUs. Like any good pale, it smells as if it will be fairly bitter; however, this one tastes mildly sweet with an assertively-dry finish. Meanwhile, the Glutiny Golden Ale has a slight grapefruit aroma. With 5.2% ABV and 20 IBUs, it’s a tad lighter, and it could easily be mistaken as a lager. Nevertheless, both beers are ales, and they will certainly become beloved favorites for anyone with a gluten-sensitive diet.

This doesn’t mean these beers are exclusively for gluten-sensitive drinkers. They are both wonderful stand-alone ales that taste fantastic after a trail run or mountain bike ride. Join the uprising and taste the Glutiny. //

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