Mayor Gets Moving on Climate Change

I got a email yesterday from Mayor Mary Verner’s office inviting folks to a Planning for Climate Change and Energy Security event on February 6.

This is very cool. No pun intended.

I hope a lot of folks attend. This seems like a great opportunity to advocate for more non-motorized transportation in Spokane. You can read the complete email here:
January 30, 2008

Subject: Planning for Climate Change and Energy Security
Wednesday, February 6, 2008 / 6:00-8:00 PM
Spokane Public Library-Downtown Branch, 906 W. Main

Dear Friends & Colleagues:

Please join me for a very important upcoming event. Wednesday, February 6th the community will gather from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. at the downtown library to begin planning for a sustainable future for Spokane.

As you are aware, sustainability is one of my key principles for decision making. As citizens of Spokane, we are fortunate to enjoy a high quality of life due to our many natural assets and vibrant economy. It is the City of Spokane’s responsibility to ensure that our children and grandchildren will continue to enjoy living and working here.

The City received a one year grant (2008) to create a strategic action plan to address the ways that climate change and global oil depletion may impact our ability to continue offering top quality service to our taxpayers. This planning effort will build on last year’s City Council resolution supporting my Near Nature – Quality of Life Initiative, and is also consistent with Governor Gregoire’s Executive Order on Climate Change.

The risks and vulnerabilities surrounding climate change and oil depletion suggest that we are wise to act now to prepare for future uncertainties. We all need to work together to craft strategies that will reduce city government’s operational costs as well as strengthen and diversify the local economic engine. By aggressively pursuing strategies that provide energy security, Spokane will manage challenges while increasing our competitive advantage over other cities.

I look forward to seeing you the evening of February 6, and urge you to take an active role in this crucial strategic planning process.

Yours truly,

Mary B. Verner

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