Inland NW Trail & Outdoor News 

Free Outdoor-themed Entertainment 

Cover photo courtesy of Shallan Knowles

  • Washington State Parks will hold fee-free days (no Discover Pass required) on March 9 to mark Billy Frank Junior’s birthday, March 19 to mark the anniversary of the creation of Washington State Parks, and April 22 to celebrate Earth Day. Please note that SnoParks on Washington State Park property are not included in fee-free days, with SnoPark season extending until the end of March. 
  • Friends of Scotchman Peaks Wilderness is planning two fantastic events in March to close out the winter hiking season! Hike to eat by joining the Spar Lake Grill Out on March 8, or opt for a more challenging snowshoe hike to Star Peak for St. Patrick’s Day on March 16.  
  • Pend Oreille Pedalers will host weekly no-drop road bike rides every Saturday in March, starting at 9 a.m. and meeting at Evan’s Brothers Coffee in Sandpoint. Trail maintenance opportunities with POP begin in mid-April.  
  • Spokane Women on the Fly and Spokane Falls Chapter of Trout Unlimited are hosting Hackle & Hops events on March 2 and April 13. Both events take place at Lumberbeard Brewing in Spokane from 2-4 p.m. Learn how to tie the Renegade fly pattern in March and the Brassie fly pattern in April. 
  • Plan ahead for the ultimate birding weekend with the Wenas Audubon Campout, May 30-June 2. This annual event takes place at the Hazel Wolf Bird Sanctuary at Wenas Creek Campground southwest of Ellensburg. There will be birding and wildflower walks during the day, and campfire presentations with guest speakers during the evening on both Friday and Saturday. A Discover Pass is required for camping at this DNR campground, but the rest of the activities are free and the event is family-friendly. 

Photo Courtesy Shallan Knowles

Outdoor Education 

Are you interested in learning more about Wilderness First Aid (WFA) or needing to recertify? A WFA class provides an excellent foundation of skills for anyone who spends a lot of time in the backcountry. Longleaf is hosting a class at St. George’s School May 9-11. Tuition is $275. 

Stewardship, Conservation, & Volunteer Opportunities 

  • Hells Canyon Recreation Collaborative will host its spring Hells Canyon service project the weekend of April 26-28. Trip details are in the process of being finalized, but spring is a fantastic season to visit Hells Canyon while helping to maintain trails damaged by winter weather. 
  • Spokane Riverkeeper will host an Earth Day River Cleanup event on April 19 from 10 a.m.-1 p.m. at High Bridge Park. Please register in advance so organizers know how many to expect. 
  • Idaho Trails Association is in the process of planning its most robust North Idaho trail work schedule to-date with 26 total trips in North Idaho, ranging from Upper Priest River and Priest Lake to the St. Joe River. Trips open for registration in early March!  
  • Wallowa Mountains Hells Canyon Trails Association (WMHCTA) is continuing a project to replace trail signage damaged by the Double Creek, Nebo, and Sturgill Fires. Locations where signage is needed have been noted, and the group seeks volunteers (in groups of two or more) who are willing to hike in the needed trail signage and install it. The dates can be flexible, so turn your backpacking trip into a service project by signing up to help! 
  • Washington Trails Association will be hosting both day-long trailwork trips near Spokane and also kicking off Backcountry Response multi-day backpacking and car camping trips. March and April will see annual maintenance trips to local conservation areas impacted by winter storm damage, along with a partnership project with Friends of Palisades and Inland Northwest Lands Conservancy at Palisades Park on March 29.  
  • Wild Montana hosts volunteer trailwork trips throughout Montana, with 2025 trip registration opening March 10. These multi-day trips are always popular, so check the offerings and sign up early! 

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