Inland NW Local Holiday Gift Guide: Pets

This holiday season, OTM makes your shopping easy with our Local Holiday Gift Guide. There’s no need to search far and wide for gifts for your fellow outdoorsy folk and other loved ones who appreciate unique, locally-procured gifts. There are so many good reasons to shop locally for the holidays. We’ve compiled a wide range of unique and useful gifts that just might cover every name on your list. Thank you for shopping locally and for supporting the Out There Monthly advertisers who make each issue possible! (EG)

Canine Backpacks

Ruffwear canine backpacks ($79.95, XS-L) and leashes ($29.99-36.99) are perfect practical gifts for families who enjoy hiking, snowshoeing, running and other outdoor adventures with their dogs. Available from REI and Urban Canine. (ASM)

Non-toxic Dog Toys


West Paw Design, based in Bozeman, Montana, makes a variety of non-toxic dog toys ($15.99-17.99) here in the U.S. from recycled materials. Available from Urban Canine. (ASM)

Throw Toys

Chuck-It is the classic throw toy for the backyard or off-leash dog park ($10.99-14.99, various sizes) that makes it easier for dog owners of all ages to launch long throws again and again. (ASM)

All-natural Dog Treats

Whether it’s for grandma’s little dog or their own pet at home, children will enjoy selecting all-natural dog treats from the bulk bins at Urban Canine. Sold by the ounce ($.39) for smaller items or individually ($2.99-6.99) for larger ones. (ASM)//

Contributing Writers: Amy Silbernagel McCaffree, Derrick Knowles, Elena Gardner and Jon Jonckers

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