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Curious about how snow condition reporting works? Here’s how they do it at 49 Degrees North. Other local resorts likely have a similar process.
Between 4-5 a.m., the snow report and lead groomer chat about conditions on the mountain. The groomer reports current weather, new snow and the grooming report, which is then added to the website. The Snow Report email is then sent with all the updates and the grooming report is updated with current groomed, opened and closed runs. 49’s Snow Conditions Hotline, Snow Radio Report and printed reports around the lodge are also based on this update.

Between 1-2p.m., the website is updated again with current weather, new snow and information about the next day’s plan. This will include which chairs will be operating, links to purchase lift tickets and upcoming events. This update is the best place to see what you can expect on the next operating day.
Depending on the weather and changes during the day, the Snow Report page may be updated multiple times throughout the day (be sure to refresh your page regularly).
49’s snow reporting timeline is based on the 12-hour time periods of 4 a.m.- 4 p.m. and 4 p.m.- 4 a.m. Any new snow accumulated during the day or night are added to the Snow Tracker, which calculates the 24-, 48- and 72-hour totals based on the new snow added within those 12-hour periods. This means that the snow report will reflect accurate totals within those time frames, instead of a running storm total. Tracking snow this way helps give you the most accurate snapshot of conditions on the mountain at any given time. For example, if the resort has received two inches of new snow in the last 12 hours but 8 in the last 72, you can expect a light layer of powder on groomed runs and lots of powder on the shoulders and in the trees.
The snow reporting teams at 49 and other resorts are dedicated to providing accurate and timely snow information. Make sure you sign up for Snow Report emails from your favorite ski areas!
Cover Photo Courtesy 49 Degrees North