Chance to Hear Iranian Cyclists


Persian Hour host Sharokh (white shirt) at the Polly Judd tree planting with Jafar and Nsim on his left.

Saturday’s planting of a Peace Tree in Polly Judd parks was fabulous. Later that evening the Iranian cyclists, Nasim and Jafar, gave a terrific slideshow on their trip at the community building. If you missed it you’ll have another chance to see it tomorrow:

BIKING FOR PEACE: Two Iranian computer engineers quit their jobs, sold their possessions and are now cycling the world and planting trees as a symbol of peace and speaking about environmental conservation. You may have seen the Spokesman-Review piece on them Saturday, May 10.

Come hear them speak and watch a slide show of their journey 11:30-12:45PM, in building 24 room 110 on the Spokane Falls Community College campus.

Also: two cool link to check out today:

– A post on the new Spokane Food Co-op at Metro Spokane

– Cool photo of flowers on the bluff trails at Cycling Spokane

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