Boot Doc 3D Foot Scan Analysis

Sports Creel (free with boot purchase)

One of the most frustrating aspects of alpine skiing is finding a pair of boots that fit your feet without creating pain and discomfort. Spokane Valley’s Sports Creel, always a local leader in boot fitting, has decided to take things up a notch for the 2018 season. The shop recently purchased a Boot Doc 3D Scanner, which provides the boot fitter with key information about your foot before the fitting process has even begun. Both feet are measured and 3D rendered within a few seconds. The visualized 3D picture is of highest precision and can be looked at from various angles. The result of the analysis is quality information and measurements around the foot. It takes into account not only length and width but also arch type, instep height, volume recommendation, and other useful information. “We are currently one of the only shops in the western United States to use this state-of-the-art technology,” says Sports Creel store manager Micah Genteman. “It really eliminates the guess work so that we can pinpoint the best boot for you the first time around.” //

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