Backcountry Booty: Riverside State Park

Play the OTM Backcountry Booty scavenger hunt contest and you get to explore different trails around the region and possibly win gift certificates for cool outdoor gear and other prizes from local businesses like Mountain Gear. Here’s how it works:
1. We hide a booty certificate, that’s good for whatever prizes are up for grabs, along a trail somewhere in a park or recreation area in the greater Spokane area.
2. We name the general location and offer up a few clues and photos on Facebook and the Out There Monthly website.
3. We keep giving out clues on Facebook until someone finds the booty and wins!
4. Winners post a victory photo on OTM’s Facebook page to confirm that it’s been found.

Contest Sponsors:


Contest Clues:

Clue # 2: Backcountry Booty is still Out There, in Riverside State Park!! Here are a few more photos to help you out. If you find it, please let us know. We walked out from Bowl and Pitcher last night, about 2 hours round trip to check on it. It is visible from the trail, but it’s hard to see. Derrick is standing on the trail, pointing to the tree. The arrow is pointing in the general location of the booty.You might have to take a closer look at the trees to find it. The booty is a gift certificate for an hour massage from Lynn at Healing Balance Massage Therapy. Well worth the hunt!

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Clue #1: For this first ever Backcountry Booty, the winner takes home a gift certificate for a massage at Healing Balance Massage Therapy. Here’s your clue: It’s within a 15-20 minute walk from the Bowl and Pitcher in Riverside State Park. Ready, set, go! Discover Riverside State Park.

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