
Anyone Can Do It

Featured Runner: Robin Moritz

A number of years ago, Robin’s daughter started training for running. Jokingly, Robin asked her to find her the sticker that said 0.0. “That’s how I felt about running,” says Robin. Then, when her grandson arrived and she would take care of him, she felt exhausted and couldn’t keep up with him. “I wanted to run and play with him, but there was no way.” She told her daughter that she wanted to start walking with her so she could try and get healthier. With that, she started training for her first 5k and has since walked and ran many 5ks and 10ks.  

Photo Courtesy Negative Split

A little over a year ago, however, her daughter and walking and running partner was diagnosed with breast cancer and had to go through a double mastectomy within a month of diagnosis. Robin didn’t think she would want to keep going. “But I kept going by myself and set a PR with every race that I ran,” she says. “Then, in June of 2021, I had gastric sleeve surgery and have lost 86 pounds. This has led to me being healthier, and I signed up for my first half marathon this year. I’m proof that anyone can do this if they want it.”

This season, Robin plans to run The Split 10k, Windermere Half Marathon, and the Coeur d’Alene 10k. Learn more about these and other Negative Split races at Nsplit.com. (Sponsored by Negative Split)

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