2018 Inland NW Ski Swap Calendar

Find everything you will need to outfit the whole family on a budget at local ski swaps. These annual gear swaps are the best place to find quality used and sometimes new alpine skiing, snowboarding, Nordic ski gear, and winter apparel all in one place. The small fee to get into swaps (typically $5/person, free for children age 12 and younger) and consignment fees also help regional ski patrol and ski racing organizations raise funds. Mark your calendar and get in line early for the best deals!

Oct. 20: 49 Degrees North Ski Patrol Swap typically held at NE Washington Fairgrounds, Colville, Wash. Ski49n.com

Oct. 27-28: Mt. Spokane Ski Patrol Ski Swap at Spokane Fair & Expo Center, Spokane, Wash. Skipatrolskiswap.com

Nov. 3: Winter Swap at Kootenai County Fairgrounds, Coeur d’Alene, Idaho. Winterswap.com

Nov. 10: SARS (Schweitzer Alpine Racing School) Annual Ski Swap at Bonner County Fairgrounds, Sandpoint, Idaho. Sars.snowproportal.com/fundraising/ski-swap.

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