November 2008

Missoula’s 10 most frightening bike intersections

Malfunction Junction in Missoula, MT // Photo Missoula Independent Here’s a cool piece about Missoula’s most dangerous intersections. (Note: the piece briefly mentions Missoula’s bid for the $50 million 2010 Bike/Ped money. If Missoula get’s funded and we don’t there will be blood.) After reading it I couldn’t shake the the thought Spokane has both

Missoula’s 10 most frightening bike intersections Read More »

Everyday Cyclist: Rookie Cyclocross Racer Tells All

As a cyclist, late autumn is traditionally a transition time. The short sleeves of summer are long packed away and endless calibration between under-dressing and over-dressing makes for a good distraction from the anticipation of mounting the studded tires. Luckily, there is a growing segment of racing that serves as an even better distraction: cyclocross.

Everyday Cyclist: Rookie Cyclocross Racer Tells All Read More »

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