10 Essentials for Hiking

10 Essentials for Hiking

There are variations and additions to this classic list of essentials that organizations like the Mountaineers recommend all hikers carry with them. If you get lost or injured out on the trail, you will be grateful you have these items. Hike safe and make sure your pack is well stocked with the essentials this summer!

  1. Navigation: Bring some combination of a print map and compass and a GPS and/or mapping app like Topo Maps+ (local company). Don’t forget extra batteries or a charger for your phone.
  2. Headlamp with extra batteries.
  3. Sun protection: hat, layers, sunglasses, and sun screen.
  4. First Aid: basic first aid kit, any necessary medications, foot care, and insect repellent.
  5. Knife and repair items like duct tape.
  6. Emergency fire kit: matches/lighter and fire starter
  7. Shelter: an emergency blanket, bivy sack, sleeping bag, or tarp and warm clothes.
  8. Extra food.
  9. Extra water and/or a water filter or purification chemicals if water is available on the trail.
  10. Extra clothes, including layers to survive changing weather (rain gear) and overnight if necessary. (OTO)

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