

Author holding her quilt made from the graphic front side of old race t-shirts--standing in her living room with a canvas photo print of her running with her wife.

My Evolution as a Runner as Told in Race Shirts

Essay by Spokane runner Maeve Griffith about her 40-year collection of race event t-shirts and her personal evolution as a trans woman.
Man running along a rocky dirt trail along a ridge above a lake.

North Idaho Trail Run Series: The GRIT

Choose your events and distance options among the trail and off-road race options in The Grit series, organized by Priest Lake Multisports.
Robin Manees running across a marathon finish line with both arms raised high, fingers with 2-finger peace signs, in triumph

Inland NW Runner Profile: Robin Manees

Personal profile by Robin Manees about her life as a runner and living with Lupus, and how she has learned to let her body guide ...
Group of runners of all genders at the start line for the Coeur d'Alene Marathon.

Inland NW Race, Ride, & Event Guide 2022

Learn about road and trail running, cycling, mountain biking, triathlons and other multi-sport events and watersports, and outdoorsy events.
Scene looking down at grass with a water bottle, rolled-up white towel, smart phone with earbuds, and pair of running shoes.

8 Ways To Improve Your Running Life

Ideas to improve your running life by helping to get you out the door faster, eliminate decision fatigue, and combat doldrums.

Spokane River Run Celebrates 20 Years of Running for a Cause at Riverside (April 24, 2022)

The Spokane region’s oldest and most recognized trail run, the Spokane River Run on the trails at Riverside State Park, is celebrating its 20th anniversary ...
Leashed dog on a trail in front of her owner.

Editorial: To Leash or Not to Leash Your Dog?

In a city or other developed area with people walking and biking on public lands, trails, and roads, keep your dog on-leash.
Winter running by the river.

Why I Like Winter Running

Run Wild columnist provides encouragement and advice for continuing a running routine during winter, especially for one's mental well-being.
Crystal running in a race and waving and smiling at camera.

Inland NW Runner Profile: Crystal Rasmussen

Meet runner Crystal Rasmussen who is training for The Split Half Marathon (April 10) in Spokane. Profile sponsored by Negative Split.
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