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The Making of an Outdoorsy Indoorswoman

It turns out I’m not the person I thought I was. Not exactly, anyway. For years, I’ve described myself with a term coined by a ...
Phenology is the study of timing in nature. When the ice melts. When flowers bloom. When aquatic insects emerge. Photo: Bea Lackoff

Phenology of People’s Park

Come Spring, when the landscape unfolds in joyless, tattered, soggy and down-trodden greys and browns, I search for the shine of soft, silvery pussy willows. ...

The Best Worst Day of the Season

It was Saturday March 1, the day before the Spokane Nordic 20/30/50K Challenge Loppet, and I was at Mt. Spokane setting up in the Selkirk ...
Steven Gnam en route for a weeklong trip into the mountains to photograph wildlife and landscapes in midwinter. Photo courtesy of Steven Gnam

Growing Up With Wild Connections — An Excerpt from “Crown of the Continent: The Wildest Rockies”

My roots in the Crown of the Continent go as deep as my first wobbly steps on Earth. My folks came to the heart of ...
For many of us who like to play outside, it can be a hard sell to come indoors and run on a treadmill. However, there can be many benefits to gym training, not to mention types of gyms that will suit your own health needs. Photo: Fiona Hicks

Surviving (and Loving) the Gym This Winter

I used to think the only reason to go to a gym was if you were in prison – for fitness and so the guy ...

Reflections From Under a Mother &#%!@?! Rock

I try to have a pretty Buddhist approach to my life, you know, except the part about not eating animals. By and large, I try ...
"That first Out There Monthly cover story, 'Downtown Kayak Park: Impossible Dream?' captured attention and got people excited too. It also stirred up the waters of local river politics a bit."

Ten Years Out There

It’s hard to believe that Out There Monthly has been around for a decade. I had to round up a copy of the first issue ...
The author strolling through the wilds of Widow Mountain. Photo: Fred Rabe

Reflections on the 50th Anniversary of the Wilderness Act

On September 3, our nation will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Wilderness Act. It wasn’t a smooth or easy process to create and pass a ...
I rolled out of camp on Saturday morning a little after eight. There were blue skies, the sun was reflecting off the peaks, and I was finally on my bike. Photo: Simon Hartt

Biking the Going-to-the-Sun-Road

The seed was planted a few years ago when my dad and I rode our motorcycles into Glacier National Park. As we followed the two-lane ...
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