Health & Fitness
All That and More: How Bone Broth Can Save Your Relationship
Unless you’ve been living in a media vortex or have no friends, you’ve probably been hearing the raves about bone broth. The claims of its ...
Ammi Midstokke
April 29, 2016
Life in Water: What Drives this Local Swimmer to Hit the Lake Whenever She Can
Susan Hales describes the details of some of her more memorable swims vividly. She has been attacked by a merganser. She has been inspected by ...
Summer Hess
March 27, 2016
Macronutrients and the Three-Piece Pie
One of the easiest ways to start a brawl between nutritionists and trainers and athletes is to make a statement about how many carbohydrates a ...
Ammi Midstokke
March 23, 2016
Sign Up for the Team OTM Challenge & Be More Active This Year
If you had a chance this year to try something new, something a little out of your comfort zone, something slightly off the beaten path ...
Janelle McCabe
February 10, 2016
Ski Hill Thermos Soup
After a thrilling morning on the hill, it is always restoring to have something hot for lunch before returning to the snow. Here is a ...
S. Michal Bennett
January 22, 2016
Caution to the New You
It’s that time of year. The time when we apply deprivation and restraint to our plates with the fervor of a dedicated monk. Because we ...
Ammi Midstokke
January 21, 2016
Healthy Snacks for the Ski Pack or Trail
This fall, I munched my way through a pile of “healthy” snacks to discover the best and most delicious protein-packed and energizing bites out there. ...
S. Michal Bennett
December 23, 2015
Food: It’s Not That Complicated
Our attachment to attachment never ceases to baffle me. And the closest I ever got to being a Buddhist was the time I was overcome ...
Ammi Midstokke
December 21, 2015
Winter Fun and Fitness: Strategies for Skiers and other Winter Recreationists
Currently we are witnessing the transition of seasons which is warmly embraced in the Pacific Northwest. Common are the blue skies, crisp mornings, bright fall ...
Out There Outdoors
October 17, 2015